Title: First: Last: Age: Provenance: Date: Size: Material: Description: Notes: School: Published: Exhibited: Purchased: Estimate: |
Harriet Peverly Harriet Peverly 13 Canterbury, NH 1826 19½” x 20” silk on linen Sampler wrought in the Thirteenth Year of her age AD 1826 Canterbury, NH. Born 7 Aug 1813 New England Samplers to 1840 – Old Sturbridge Village, p.30, Fig.62 Hood Museum, Dartmouth College |
Title: First: Last: Age: Provenance: Date: Size: Material: Description: Notes: School: Published: Exhibited: Purchased: Estimate: |
Sarah Lowell (1738-1792) Sarah Lowell Boston, MA 1750 21-3/4” x 16-1/2” silk on linen: cross, sawtooth, satin, and tent stitches Sampler Wrought in 1750 Antiques & Fine Art Magazine Embroideries of Colonial Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 2011 Joan and David Huntington |
Title: First: Last: Age: Provenance: Date: Size: Material: Description: Notes: School: Published: Exhibited: Purchased: Estimate: |
Elizabeth Segar Elizabeth Segar 11 Lebanon, CT 1833 19½” x 21” Eighth-generation descendant of Roger Williams Taught by Lydia L(ittle) Scovell New England Samplers to 1840, pp. 39, 143, Fig. 87 Miss Gladys Segar |