- MA Samplers
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- REBECCA GODFREY, Easton, Bristol, MA, 1823
REBECCA GODFREY, Easton, Bristol, MA, 1823
Rebecca Godfrey's simple marking sampler was worked in silk and cotton on a linen ground in four colors. One row uppercase, one row lowercase, and one row of cursive uppercase with numerals.
Rebecca Godfrey Easton Massachusetts / Aged 11 years July the 18, 1823
"Early Easton must have been a rather rough and tumble sort of place. Easton’s citizenry, as well as its resources, steadfastly supported the Revolutionary War, and much was done to assist freedom. Cannons for George Washington’s army were cast at Perry’s Furnace, and muskets were made at Quaker Leonard’s Forge on East Elm Street. It was at this forge that some of the earliest steel produced in America was made. Even today, charcoal “pits” (rings in the ground) exist throughout the town as physical evidence.
The early nineteenth century saw a man move to Easton who would change the entire town’s character. This was Oliver Ames, maker of some of the earliest iron shovels in America. Oliver Ames set up a shovel business that prospered to such an extent that by the end of the century it was the largest in the world. The Ames family directly influenced the growth of North Easton, and due to the different character of the areas of the town, it separated into factions that only recently think of themselves as one town."
(source: https://www.amesfreelibrary.org/history-easton)
Rebecca Godfrey
Birth: 22 Feb 1812, Easton, Bristol, MA
Father: Tisdale Godfrey (26 Dec 1775 - 28 Jan 1851) #186664869
Mother: Sally Jones (17 Nov 1784 - 23 Dec 1867) Raynham, Bristol, MA, m. 12 Apr 1804 #186664868
Spouse: William Leonard Field (27 May 1805 - 11 Mar 1898) #28606779
Marriage: 28 Mar 1829, Taunton, Bristol, MA
Death: 5 May 1884, Taunton, Bristol, MA
Burial: North Taunton Cemetery, Taunton, Bristol, MA
Memorial ID: 28606802
William Henry Field: (16 Sep 1831 - 9 Dec 1908)
Sarah R. Field: (18 Aug 1846 - 21 Apr 1864)
Nathaniel T. Field: (29 Sep 1848 - 26 Jan 1933)
Tisdale Godfrey Jr.: (1806 - 16 Apr 1878) #186664870
Sally Godfrey: (26 Sep 1806 - 7 Dec 1895)
Jones Godfrey: (16 Sep 1808 - 14 Oct 1892) m. Hannah Pratt
Elizabeth “Betsy” Godfrey: (1825 - 20 Sep 1890)
18 Jul 1823
Frame: 10.5" x 5.25" x 0.5"
No ground loss. Some stitch loss and bleeding. Not conservation mounted. In period frame as acquired by Glee.